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Showing posts from February, 2017

#Religion: Even God addresses the Antichrist as such:

“ … In the pride of your heart you say, “I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god in the  heart of the seas [ Black Sea  and the  Mediterranean Sea]  But you are a mere mortal and not a god, though you think you are as wise as a god. Are you wiser than Daniel? … (Ezekiel 28:1-3) ErdoÄźan says that the conquerer of Constantinople will become “the best prince” and the Caliph in Islam is “the prince of the faithful”. explains these prophecies  here  and how Antichrist is called “prince”. Now that Turkey is finished with the July 15th coup and it is turning fully Islamist, it becomes obvious that “allegiance” will be required from all Turkish citizens were one has to conform with Islamist uniformity. This will also include the dreaded  Mark of the Beast  as you will see that Turkey’s society is being set up for some shocking realities where the  Bismillah ...

#Religion: As we wrote back in 2014 in regards to this statement by Rumi:

This is quite telling; what its saying is that the sheikh became the Kiblah, or the person to whom Muslims would pray toward. Therefore, an Antichrist Muslim leader in Turkey, who is a practicing sufi, can declare that he is the light of God, and Muslims from all over the world will pray towards him; he will become the new Kiblah [direction of prayer as in the Kaaba], with  the multitudes of Muslims praying to his direction . Mind you, Yilmaz is no quack, which is why this was so shocking to many. He was the son of the former KaramĂĽrsel Mufti Ali Efendi.  In 1982, the European National Vision Organization appointed him as the Austrian Regional Director and  he served as Deputy Chairperson of the European National Vision Organization and served in  The Welfare Party  when it became the second party in Turkey. Anyone can see the shocking response by secular Turks by  clicking here  when Yilmaz was participating in the National Re...

#Religion: Rumi recounts a story in which a sufi sheikh named Mawlana Baha’ al-Haqq wa’l-Din, becomes the light of God and “the soul of the Kiblah” (the Ka’ba’s Black Stone in Mecca) to which Muslim pray. Rumi relates:

The Shaikh had lost all ego-consciousness and had long since passed away from the sense of personal identity. Having been consumed in the Light of God, his self no longer remained. This is the meaning of the prophetic saying, “Die before you die.” The Shaikh had become the Light of God. And whoever turns his back on the Light of God to face the wall of the prayer niche has assuredly turned his back on Mecca, since God’s Light is the soul of the Kiblah [the Ka’bah] (Rumi, Service done for God is proof of divine favor, in The Complete Discourses of Jalal al-Din Rumi, discourse 3, p. 17, ed. Louis Rogers)

#Religion: Jalal al-Din Rumi, by far the most prestigious sufi in Islam’s entire history, explained this concept as such:

Remember the famous utterance of al-Hallaj, “I am God.” People think that to say “I am God” is a claim of great pretense and spiritual arrogance. It is actually a claim of extreme humility. “I am God” means “I do not exist.” He is all, everything is He, existence is God’s alone. I am without existence, pure non-existence. I am nothing.” “I am God” is not a claim of great pretension, it is a claim of extreme humility. There is more humility in this than any supposed claim to greatness, but people do not understand the inner meaning. When a man acknowledges his servitude to God, he is aware of his being a servant. He may see himself as a devoted servant of God, but he still sees himself and his own actions as apart from the one reality of God. He is not drowned in the Ocean of Divine Unity. Drowned is he in whom there is not separate motion or mobility. Drowned is he whose movement is the movement of the water. And so it is with the enlightenment ones, those who declares, “I am God...

#Religion: Yılmaz kicked off his utterances weeping and lamenting the loss of Abdulhamid II, the last Caliph of Islam prophesying that the outcome of the referendum on April 16 next month will fulfill a hadith:

“The Hadith by prophet Muhammad is about to be fulfilled with victory on April 16”.

#Religion: The #Muslim #Antichrist Is Rising Up, Major #Muslim Leaders Are Declaring The Coming Of A Divine Leader Who Will Lead An #Islamic Empire, The #Islamic #Antichrist Will Declare Himself To Be God And War Against Christendom

As the date of the Turkish constitutional referendum to make ErdoÄźan supreme ruler  approaches, each day continues to come with surprises.  This time its a prophecy predicted by  MP Ĺževki Yılmaz , a columnist for ErdoÄźan’s pro-government mouthpiece  Yeni Akit TV.  It caused  quite a stir  amongst secularists watching  Yilmaz  switch from a politician/columnist to false  prophet  uttering some strange aberrations.

#Religion: Congratulations, American “missionaries.” This is the fruit of your heresy in Chiapas.

The unifying theme between both of these stories is the propagation of heresy. Heresy throughout Christian history is traditionally punished severely because it propagates false ideas about the nature of God and His revelation. I speak not of mere disciplinary disagreements, or cases when charges of heresy were falsely used to silence public criticism since both are sins and there are many examples of people abusing this for their own ends. What I speak of are clear cases of heresy, such as Arianism. Arianism is the heresy that Jesus is a superman but not God. Spread originally by the Libyan priest Arius, his heresy infected 75% of all Christians and 80% of bishops. Coming at the dawn of the 4th century, Arius’ teaching endured for centuries after his death and provided the basis for Islamic theology’s denial of Jesus’ divinity. Arius the heretic being devoured in hell while Melchizedek the righteous looks on. But if he were alive today, Melchizedek would be called an “intoleran...

#Religion: Third, and most importantly, as we and many, many other people have said before us, Islam is simply the final stage of all heresy, and the fact is that due to the influence of American “missionaries,” heresy has increased greatly in Mexico.

 This is most pronounced in the state of Chiapas. Therefore, it is of no surprise to us that Chiapas is also the biggest center of Islam in Mexico with converts being made from among the native Mexican people: Molino de los Arcos is one of the poorest neighbourhoods of San CristĂłbal de las Casas, the second largest city in Chiapas and popular with tourists for its colonial beauty. The barrio is ethnically almost entirely indigenous, with Tzotzil Mayan as the dominant language. On Fridays, though, you can hear the slow, monotonous Arab chants of Muslim prayer. In a wooden shack, painted with Arab religious phrases, some twenty Tzotzil Muslim families have established a small place of worship. “This is where we cleanse our spirits and pray to Allah. Not everyone came today, some people have to work,” Imam Salvador Lopez Lopez smiles. “But we are doing well. Our community is still small, we are maybe two hundred, but little by little we’re growing.” Lopez converted to Islam in...

#Religion: #Christian #Persecution Is Real And Is Getting Worse, But Not Everything That Is Called Persecution Is Actually Persecution

Christian persecution is a major issue today. Millions of Christians are suffering from horrible abuse, torture, and even death just for being Christians, and this is no where so pronounced as it is in the Islamic nations. There is a desperate need to help these people save their lives because so often, there is to little done too late. It is one of the unmentioned crimes of the 21st century and will get worse as the future continues. But there is something else here that must also be noted, and that is that not all that is called “persecution” is actually not persecution at all but rather the opposite- the basic administration of justice. This might sound strange, even harsh, and there are many aspects of this. However, I’d like to explain this in the context of two news stories that have been circulating about Christian persecution.

#Technology: Actress going braless accidentally flashes breasts during interview on Facebook Live

An actress has been left red-faced when she accidentally flashed her  breasts  during a  Facebook  Live broadcast. Argentine star Virginia Gallardo, 29, was about to be interviewed by the actress Flor Vigna, in her Facebook Live program when the huge flash occurred.

#Business: Predicting Oil

When asked on the trajectory of oil prices, the delegation skirted the question, with Al Sheikh instead joking to the packed ballroom that he would probably be making money rather than talking about it if he could predict them.  Two days before , the Saudi energy minister told a conference in Istanbul the oil price could recover to $60 a barrel by year’s end. Crude prices between $50 to $60 a barrel would ensure  adequate  global supply, officials from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait said at a conference in London on Tuesday. Saudi officials pledged to boost non-oil revenues, cut spending to achieve fiscal balance by 2020 and retain current credit ratings, said Pavel Mamai, the co-founder of hedge fund Promeritum Investment in London. He also attended the London presentation and plans to bid for the bonds. "The message was that this is a young government that believes the country structurally wasn’t going in the right direction and decided to change that," he said. "The...

#Business: Deteriorating Finances

The world’s largest oil exporter wants to raise at least $10 billion this week from bonds due in five, 10 and 30 years, people familiar with the plans have said. That they are having to tap the market at all is testament to how far their finances have deteriorated. The budget deficit has swollen to the widest in more than two decades and the government has eaten into foreign currency reserves and been forced to raise about $63 billion from local bond sales. The state is cutting spending and salaries as part of Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s unprecedented overhaul, which also includes a planned initial public offering of oil giant Saudi Aramco. Officials including Minister of State Mohammed Al Sheikh promised investors to prioritize an economic transformation plan regardless of where the oil price goes, according to two attendees of the London leg of the roadshow. More than 60 bankers and investors gathered to hear the sales pitch in a ballroom at t...

#Terrorists: Ankara bans public gatherings amid terror alert

AN KARA — The Turkish capital Ankara on Monday banned all public gatherings and demonstrations until the end of November after receiving information about potential terror attacks, the governor’s office said. The Ankara governorate said in a statement that all such meetings had been prohibited until November 30, in line with the state of emergency imposed in the wake of the failed July 15 coup.

#Religion: The World Will End In 2017, Declares Fundamentalist Christian Website

A fundamentalist Christian website has cited evidence from the Bible to say that the end of the world is nigh. The website  'Signs of End Times'  draws on evidence of recent natural disasters to conclude that the world will be destroyed in 2017.

#Business: Greek Bank Runs Begin Again, Bankers Go On Alert - Episode 1206a

Published on Feb 16, 2017 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.16.2017

#Technology: Privacy Experts" Blast John Kelly Proposal For Immigrants To Turn Over Social Media Passwords

During the 2016 campaigning cycle, then presidential candidate Trump coined the term "extreme vetting" to suggest that additional measures should be taken to vet refugees and immigrants coming from volatile areas of the world that have a history of harboring and funding terrorist organizations.  Not surprisingly, the liberal media latched onto the term and exploited it to paint Trump as an unhinged candidate that would undoubtedly look to waterboard every British citizen making a 2-day business trip across the pond. Then, a few weeks ago during a Congressional hearing, Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly provided a glimpse of what "extreme vetting" may look like.  Among other things, Kelly suggested that refugees and visa applicants may be required to hand over social media passwords before being allowed into the country.  Per  NBC , here are some of Kelly's exact quotes:

#Technology: Robots poised to take over wide range of U.S. military roles

Technology insiders are predicting it won’t be long before robots have taken over key roles within the main U.S. military branches, performing everything from mine sweeps to truck driving. And not all are happy about the development.

#Technology: Facebook Suspends Christian Homeschool Mom's Account Over Posts Citing Bible on Homosexuality

A Christian mother is accusing the social media giant Facebook of censorship after her account was suspended over posts on what the Bible says about homosexuality and sin. Read more at Elizabeth Johnston, an Ohio homeschooling mother of 10 who runs the popular conservative blog " The Activist Mommy ," told The Christian Post on Tuesday that Facebook suspended her account earlier this month because she wrote about how Leviticus condemns homosexuality as "detestable" and an "abomination." Johnston said the comment in question was posted over six months ago in a long thread of comments that was in response to another Facebook user who claimed that Christians are hypocrites for condemning homosexuality but being willing to eat shellfish and pork. Read more at


Global arms sales have skyrocketed in the last five years, reaching their highest level since the Cold War in sales to the Middle East, according to a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. It says the volume of international weapons transfers has “grown continuously since 2004 and increased by 8.4% between 2007-11 and 2012-2016,” with the flow of arms to the Middle East, Asia and Oceania spiking in part due to conflicts raging in the Middle East and tensions in the South China Sea.

#Religion: THEY LIE... The Church of Englands Antichrist Marriage Agenda

Published on Feb 19, 2017 The Church of Englands Antichrist Marriage Agenda Music by Graffiti Mechanism - Love Plug - Hers

#Business: Another State Is Dumping The Fed Dollar & Making Gold & Silver Legal Tender - Episode 1197a

Published on Feb 6, 2017 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.06.2017

#Business: Now We Know Why The Doomsday Clock Was Pushed Closer To Midnight - Episode 1194b

Published on Feb 2, 2017 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.02.2017

#Business: Truth Bombs Are Exploding All Over The Place & The Media & Elite Are Scrambling - Episode 1197b

Published on Feb 6, 2017 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.06.2017

#Business: The World Is Waking Up And The Elite Do Not Like It - Episode 1198b

Published on Feb 7, 2017 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.07.2017

#Terrorists: For-profit private prisons haven’t stopped locking up Americans and immigrants alike at taxpayer expense.

 States continue to outsource prison management to private corporations out to make a profit at taxpayer expense. And how do you make a profit in the prison industry? Have the legislatures pass laws that impose harsh penalties for the slightest noncompliance in order keep the prison cells full and corporate investors happy.

#Religion: We are at our most vulnerable right now.

The gravest threat facing us as a nation is not extremism—delivered by way of  sovereign citizens  or  radicalized Muslims —but despotism, exercised by a ruling class whose only allegiance is to power and money. Nero fiddled while  Rome burned . America is burning, and all most Americans can do is switch the channel, tune out what they don’t want to hear, and tune into their own personal  echo chambers .

#Business: The Economic Crisis Is Going To Be Alot Worse Than Originally Thought - Episode 1199a

Published on Feb 8, 2017 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.08.2017

#Business: As We Approach The Economic Crisis The Government Will Start To Breakdown - Episode 1199b

Published on Feb 8, 2017 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.08.2017

#Technology: Change your culture, build your defenses

My advice for entrepreneurs and startups is to make IoT security a serious and valued part of company culture. Bake it in while the company is still young and there’s no complacency from “doing things the way we’ve always done them.” Furthermore, do not make it solely the IT department’s responsibility to keep enterprise data safe. Every member of the organization needs to help take responsibility, follow security procedures to the letter and be vigilant for signs of danger. The good news is that there are security solutions out there to help, even with technology as nascent as the IoT. There is also a great deal of advice on  the best practices to put in place , from a variety of experts and trusted sources.  As Gartner cautioned at last year’s ITxpo , developing best practices can only prepare you for threats that are already known. Only innovation can prepare you for tomorrow’s threats that have yet to be discovered. A combination of advanced software and a strong intern...

#Healthwire: Can IoT breaches threaten your health?

Government infrastructure won’t be the only new source of an attack that reaches tomorrow’s headlines. I also predict that a major hospital will face a HIPAA violation for using an unsecured smart medical device. Hospitals have a lot to gain from deploying the IoT for crucial data/insights to improve patient care,  but so do hackers . They’re already targeting  connected MRI machines, CT scanners and dialysis pumps  to steal patient medical data, which is worth more than twice as much as financial information on the black market. While  the FDA already recognizes  that cybersecurity/HIPAA compliance is an important issue, it is not certain they get practices ready in time to prevent a major breach. And more important than data, there’s an ever-increasing chance that an IoT attack will put lives at risk if it can  cause a shutdown of needed medical services . How will hospitals fight back? The best prepared ones will do so by adopting improved security ...

#Technology: Why these attacks are coming

According to  a study from HP , 70 percent of IoT devices are currently vulnerable to an attack. While both manufacturers and their customers are certainly working to reduce that, a significant number of IoT devices will still be unprotected in 2017. Additionally, Gartner predicts over  20 billion IoT devices by 2020 . Let’s say that in the next three years the number of secure IoT devices doubles, which means that only 40 percent will be insecure. According to Gartner’s estimate that means a total of 8 billion devices by then that are free to be enlisted in a hacker’s arsenal: roughly equivalent to the population of the Earth. That security risk is beyond anything we’ve currently seen in the realm of cybersecurity. The risk isn’t necessarily coming from the sophistication of attacks but poor security practices of IoT users. Bad practices such as using the default usernames and passwords that are supposed to be used only for setup and then changed,  are making i...

#Technology: Government Agencies and Hospitals Face Increasing Risk of IoT-Powered Cyberattacks

If you paid even the slightest attention to tech media and conferences in 2016, you heard how the Internet of Things (IoT) is the next big thing. While there’s hype surrounding the tremendous opportunity the IoT offers, there are still hazards that have yet to be properly addressed. The biggest concern -- safety -- is a thorny topic with which enterprises are still grappling. For example,  2016’s DDoS attack on Dyn that took down several major websites  such as Twitter was caused by a bot army of unsecured IoT devices. This attack is only the tip of the iceberg, and in 2017 we should expect more of the same, but websites and companies won’t be the only targets. Unless manufacturers and users of connected devices get serious about security, we will see these attacks evolve this year. I believe that there’s a significant chance these attacks could extend to major government institutions and hospitals.

#Business: Something Dark Is Looming And It's Headed Our Way - Episode 1200b

Published on Feb 9, 2017 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.09.2017

#Religion: Margolis’ #1 rule of international relations: make nice and keep on good terms with nations that have nuclear weapons pointed at you.

Avoid squabbles over almost all matters. Intelligence agencies play a key role in maintaining the balance of nuclear terror and preventing misunderstandings that can cause war. Gen. Flynn was a fanatical anti-Islamic wing nut. He was, to use Trumpese, a bigly terrible choice. I’m glad he is gone. But Flynn’s sin was being loopy, not talking on the phone to the Russian ambassador. The White House and national intelligence should be talking every day to Moscow, even ‘hi Boris, what’s new with you guys? ‘Nothing much new here either besides the terrible traffic.’ The current hue and cry in the US over  Flynn’s supposed infraction is entirely a fake political ambush to cripple the Trump administration.  Trump caved in much too fast. The deep state is after his scalp: he has threatened to cut the $80 billion per annum intelligence budget – which alone, boys and girls, is larger than Russia’s entire defense budget! He’s talking about rooting waste out of the Pentagon’s almost t...